
Aaron Spevack is a professor of Islamic Studies who specializes in the intersections of Islamic law, theology, philosophy, and mysticism. He has authored several books and articles, including The Archetypal Sunni Scholar: Law, Theology, and Mysticism in the Synthesis of al-Bajuri (SUNY, 2014). He has been invited to speak at universities, conferences, and institutions around the country on a variety of topics, and occasionally consults media and law firms on topics related to Islamic practice.

Click through to the individual pages below to get a better idea of his work:

Speaker: Talks and Podcasts, click here!

Teacher: Islamic Studies (Harvard, Colgate, etc.) click here!

Writer: Books, articles, etc. Click here!

Consultant: Advising Legal, academic, film and media,  in matters connected to Islam and Muslims. Click here to learn more!

Musician and Songwriter: Sufi music, percussion, jazz guitar, etc. Click here to learn and hear more!